
St. Bonaventure University

Athletics, Recreation & Fitness Facilities

The SBU campus is the perfect playground, 无论你是一个每天锻炼的健身爱好者, a weekend warrior, 或者只是喜欢偶尔沿着河边散步的人.

Sandra A. and William L. Richter Center

Students work out in the Richter Center里希特中心是我们最先进的健身和娱乐中心,位于校园的中心, an easy walk from any residence hall.

It houses three full-size basketball courts, one with a multi-purpose floor; an elevated walking/running track; racquetball courts; a huge weight room; cardiovascular equipment; and much more.


Learn more about CARL and the Richter Center.

Tom '80 & Michelle Marra Athletics Fields Complex

马拉田径综合场地的主要草皮场地80年代的汤姆和米歇尔马拉田径场地是全球网赌十大网站的一级足球、长曲棍球、橄榄球、垒球和棒球队. 该建筑群还举办一些俱乐部体育比赛.

The complex is dedicated to Tom Marra, ’80, and his wife, Michelle, 是谁捐了100万美元启动了翻修场地的运动.

In addition to the central, multipurpose soccer/lacrosse/rugby field, 哪个有观众座位和夜间表演的灯光, the complex includes Joyce Field, which is a modern, turf softball facility; and Joyce Field at Fred Handler Park, home of the Bonnies A-10 baseball team.

Bob Lanier Court in Reilly Center Arena

Game day photo of a packed Reilly Center Arena传奇的NCAA篮球教练兼广播员迪克·维塔莱将RC球馆描述为“大学篮球中最大的主场优势之一”... The place is always rockin' and rollin.'"

Bob Lanier Court, 以NBA球星和篮球名人堂成员命名,他在1970年带领SBU进入了NCAA四强, 是我们一级男子和女子篮球队的所在地吗, both members of the Atlantic 10 Conference.

在比赛日,没有比在RC的场边学生区更令人兴奋的地方了, 作为赖利中心乐队的一员为邦尼加油.

Allegheny River Valley Trail

跑阿勒格尼河谷步道的学生The Allegheny River Valley Trail is a 5.6-mile, 这条10英尺宽的沥青环路穿过阿勒加尼镇以及奥利安镇和城市, 包括沿着阿勒格尼河的一长段风景. Bonaventure campus.

第二个“Bonaventure loop”将小径带入校园, 提供公共厕所和“暖屋”设施. 博纳环路穿过校园的前面,然后与主干道重新连接.

这条被广泛使用的小路在步行者中很受欢迎, hikers, runners, bike riders, 溜冰鞋和其他娱乐和健身爱好者. 机动车不准上这条小路.

View a map of the trail at traillink.com.

St. Bonaventure Golf Course

St. Bonaventure Golf Course位于校园对面的St. Bonaventure Golf Course is a hilly, 风景优美,保持完美的9洞公共球场受欢迎的高尔夫球手从整个地区.

该课程从春季开始每周七天开放, summer and fall, and motorized carts are available. 最重要的是,SBU的学生可以打一轮(9或18洞)的折扣 .

该球场有两个最具挑战性的洞. 7, a par four with a 90-degree dogleg, demanding a perfect drive to the turn followed by a long precision second shot to a small green near the top of a steep hill; and No. 9、如果你希望打出标准杆,一个长三杆洞需要一个直的中长铁开球.

Reilly Center swimming pool

Swimmers in the Reilly Center pool赖利中心游泳池是该大学大西洋10大男子和女子游泳和跳水队的所在地.

游泳池毗邻鲍勃拉尼尔法院在RC,并紧挨着RC咖啡馆. 咖啡馆的一面墙上是一系列落地窗,可以俯瞰泳池区.


Hockey & skating at Olean's Smith Recreation Center

Hockey players on the ice in Olean每年9月至次年3月,在威廉奥巴马的常规冰场可以滑冰. 史密斯娱乐中心,距离校园大约10分钟车程. 这个溜冰场是SBU男子俱乐部曲棍球队的主场.

该中心位于奥利安的战争退伍军人公园,位于东州和前街的拐角处, across from Bradner Stadium.



Outdoor tennis courts 

Students on outdoor tennis courts on campus六个硬地室外网球场位于校园的最西侧, 毗邻学生和游客停车场,也是阿勒格尼河谷步道的几个公共入口之一.

这些球场是邦尼男子和女子一级网球队的好天气主场, 同时也用于教育学院体育课的教学.


Skiing at nearby Holiday Valley

Skiers at Holiday ValleyHoliday Valley, a four-season resort in Ellicottville, N.Y.距离校园约25分钟车程,以速降滑雪而闻名. 《全球网赌十大网站》(Ski Magazine)的读者将其评为东部第10名,并将其评为东部第10名. 2 in New York for 2020. 假日谷因其广泛的电梯系统和家庭友好性而获得高度赞誉.

And when skiers leave the hills, they head for "charming, beautiful" downtown Ellicottville, “绝对是世界上最好的度假小镇之一," said Ski Magazine.

"The Valley" operates 13 lifts, including three high-speed quad chairs, that service 58 day trails and 37 night trails. 这里还有越野滑雪道和滑雪管区.

假日谷还经营着天空高空公园和攀登森林, featuring tree-top platforms and zip lines, 以及全年运营的过山车
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